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- Here we are at Winter wonderland
- In London Hyde Park!
- The food stores lining the entrance of the walk
- Got moose?
- It was raining but that didn't drench any of our spirits!
- This is like the 3rd make shift ice rink we've seen in London!
- There are the usual pubs & food stores!
- Oh yes there are rides too!
- Globe snowy snow globe!
- No winter wonderland is complete without Xmax trees!
- Oh what we have here?
- Lots of muchies!
- There's more from where that came from!
- Game stores galore!
- You gotta love the big slides!
- The prizes at the canival stores are really attractive!
- There are quite a number of good flat rides running!
- This ferries wheel is not for the faint of heart!
- Go spacy with the night lights!
- Best ride in the whole carnival, but no inversions? dang!
- You gotta love the free fall tower!
- An aerial view of the best rides in the carnival
- Close of the coaster
- Teddy bears attack!
- Any band with uber chrome instruments floats my boat!
- may the force be with you
- Tractors + floats = win!
- Guess they were sticking to the dress code.
- More parade music on march
- flatbed is the way to travel in groups
- don't recall having the punkin on a truck.
- More cheer leaders!
- Kiddy clowns!
- Many of the truck floats serve as good muscial platforms
- A high school contingent
- with a band of their own to boot too.
- That's all folks for what I have for parade!
- Here we are at the London 2010 New year day parade
- Held at Piccadilly circus
- There are few iconic displays
- Many marching bands
- And cheer leading groups too!
- The parade saw itself many popular sights in London
- A marching band in green
- And another in red!
- Fancy marching and blowing?
- Interesting costumes on display
- Traditional horse drawn carriages
- And vintage autos too!
- All um loaded up?