- overview of the potions right room
- variety is key
- the self stirring pot
- Oh hi Snapes!
- it's potions class time!
- map of the potions classroom scene
- the wall of portraits
- jumping between sets
- floorplan of said 3 tiers
- love the detail
- the potions classroom
- our next stop...
- the set exterior
- "hot wands" on set
- little movie items
- there are many little easter eggs
- notice the sorting hat?
- desk detials
- Note the 3 tiered office
- Dumbledore's Office!
- the house sword
- loads of portraits
- just like in the movie
- more random musings
- and the accompanying snitch "egg"
- The quidditch cup
- some attention to detail
- the stairwell is mostly CG
- Our next set
- The griffin stairwell
- Hogwarts Clock Tower
- tick tock
- more info on the handheld
- the (green screened) invisible cloak
- digging the lighting
- complete with set clothing
- the floorplan
- set with exact details
- The Gryffindor common room
- passport punch stations throughout
- armour!
- planetery!
- towering books of books!
- a notable wand
- the circle of wands
- spot the random snitch!
- mirror.. mirror on the wall
- Central prop store
- optically illusion-ed!
- More random musings