- We are not drunk!
- who is meaner?
- Got punkin?
- The finished shoulder pads!
- Internal battery compartment
- Niffy!
- Test run
- The connection to the hat
- The HUD arm
- Clamping the acrylic strip
- The Red LEDS and wiring
- Cutting the acrylic to size
- The acrylic strips
- Priming and painting the shoulder pads
- Wrapping it all up with masking tape
- Layering the strips with the cardboard
- Use of Dominos coupons!
- Shoulder pads internal skeleton
- It's literally bumper to bumper!
- Man the streets were packed to the brim!
- Booze check, now it's party party time!
- As viewed across the river thames by Black friars
- Fireoworks by the london eye
- Happy new 2010
- And the fireworks are off!
- Trying to get to the best vantage points!
- Some of this and some of that....
- Booze shop, that's where everyone is heading too!
- damn overcrowded streets
- Overview of the...
- Off to the countdown!
- It feels just like Japan subways at peak hour!
- The same can't be said inside the train too!
- The platforms were literally spilling! Train approaching!
- The underground at maximum capacity
- Heading back by the underground after the event
- Christmas tree!
- Hey we are at St Pauls!
- Visiting some landmarks in the dawn of the new year!
- A far view of where the parade's coming from
- Woo japan!
- And the watching crowd keeps coming
- Bonus points for the multi colour flags!
- Colourful costumes are part of the dress code
- All um loaded up?
- And vintage autos too!
- Traditional horse drawn carriages
- Interesting costumes on display
- Fancy marching and blowing?
- And another in red!