- Felix & Jingwei
- Me, Lester & David
- Another go!
- Its lunch steamboat buffet for everyone!
- Lester & Desmond
- Whos cares bout the informal patrons?
- Calvin & Catherine
- Da cake
- PJ (dang she saw us up there)
- TK, Lester and Vic
- I hope it not the nuts...
- uppants madness...
- crunch! (and cheeze!)
- :)
- everybody!
- woo!
- bring on the birthday gals and guys!
- lets bring them on!
- felix, Yongtang, Lest, vic & Junxian
- BBQ galore!
- 7 G
- felix just got discovered!
- KS and JX
- Ks and PJ
- whenever there karaoke, theres des
- ah?
- dynamic duo
- duos of duos (dang!)