- Allowing a bird eye's view of the exhibits we passed earlier
- It snakes over the lower floor
- Large enough to fit one at ago
- suspension bridge!
- Oh look an overhead...
- Are we missing a giant spider here?
- and insects disguised as electric screwdrivers
- Roaches
- Stag bettles
- Various constrictors in enclosures
- Rawr human! feed me!
- I don't see any gecko here
- Aha!
- Spot the gecko?
- The creepy crawly section of the zoo!
- The zoo is rather nicely themed, especially this limestone cave
- It's not easy being a fish here. :p
- God, these lights are blinding
- The overhead pool access and maintenance area
- An overview of the Giant aquarium
- They do taste yummy too. :X
- Zippy!
- The shark pool
- Got Migration?
- With controlled humidity to boot as well!
- The displays snake through rather well rainforest themed areas
- Sun bathing lazy bums... :p
- Spot lighting to mimic daylight
- Oh look a river otter!
- A freshwater pond
- All encased with rather thick plastic panels
- Many of the tanks have rather cool convexing effects
- A pride of Lion fishes
- Ahem, Sawfish?
- Coral display
- Sting! meet ray!
- I spy fishies which are jelly
- Bobble bobble bobble
- Electrifying!
- And you can always ask questions when in doubt
- Each display is tied to a fact board
- Mmmm informative
- not to mention niffy energetic catfishes
- Including big grumpy ones of the Arapaima kind
- Arowanas? that's a chinese businessman wetdream
- Lookie here
- Complete with their own target practice board. :3
- All pool full of Archers!
- There is quite an assortment of fishes on display
- Hi Ray! oh wait...