- Now to head to the water park!
- Got kaching for kaching?
- The CLAW!, we are eternally grateful!
- Reliving our childhood days with few matches of air hockey!
- Ready to bust some brains?
- CJ showing his DDR moves on expert. :3
- Yo dude check ma board out!
- A cool shot by CJ
- The water has to come from somewhere!
- The group!
- Outside the hotel
- DUDE who clamped my ride?
- a tropical storm in here?
- John has other uses for bue glowy water
- Fancy plumbing works included!
- Sights around the splash landings hotel
- Glad the whole park is indoors and heated!
- The outdoor portion of the waterpark, should be freezing!
- We wanna get in already!
- More sights from the viewing deck
- The empty waterpark before opening.
- The trio for the day. :]
- Making a splash landing at the splash hotel!
- Thats all folks.. for now.
- The Int branch team in all its glory!
- The winner of the N-gage QD.
- & we are down to the last 2.
- Next is a contest of freeze when the music stops...
- The Unarmed combat performance.
- Zhuang & our very own bodyguard team.
- Zhuang & Khoo.
- cheese
- The camo kids.
- & we have a Winner!
- Longest line competition.
- A series of mini contents came thereafter the official speech & launch.
- Another camo frenzy!
- & more (pity the peeps in this booth)
- camo
- photogenic!
- Hello security, I have unauthorised personel in my LSV.
- Combat robotics at play.
- Next, the girls have a try at it... whee
- Easy as peesy, the record holds at 30 for the day.
- Next came the public turn.
- I did my best.... (10 pulls)
- Next was the chest up challenge?
- yada yada