- wooden cravings
- smaller items in casing
- some... thing
- razorbacks!
- complete with oversized cocoa seeds!
- The dark wood goes with the displays here
- beats me, ask this guy
- looks cozy in there
- you must be happy to see me
- a woodie?
- so as the sign says!
- the african displays
- I call this, girls with a dog and plant
- flowastic!
- one scene, 2 paintings!
- most with a historical background
- most of these items are donated by the public
- swords and silverware
- setting or an era gone
- giddyyap!
- teapot contraption!
- some giant paperclip outside!
- boobies!
- double rainbow!
- not to mention peculiar ones!
- with a few modern touches
- including more traditional victorian art
- older displays are kept up here
- looking down!
- The upper floors of the museum
- I call this, the formal man and fruit!
- side by side, the old and new
- more cased artefacts
- so this is how they pen journal before the blogging days
- shamanic bear, with 5+ to attack!
- who yer looking at?
- so its it art that is American?
- you can learn alot from the volunteer guides around the museum
- American ancient art
- and positions!
- with a few crazy touches
- including ancient pottery
- historical artefacts sections
- art after all lies in the beauty of the beholder
- you will either love it or hate it
- and that mostly fuels the modern art scene
- but it's all expressionist art
- some having more feathers than the rest
- some little more crazy than the other
- some with rather neat designs