- A B&M diving machine & the world's first vertical drop roller coaster.
- Oblivion!
- X-sector, which could only mean...
- talking about rolls, we are hungry after the ride!
- But we get quite alot of roll time!
- bah, no steep drops after the climb :(
- Heading up the climb!
- This drop has some serious airtime!
- with free spinning gongolas!
- It's essentially a crazy mild mouse
- Even the queue lines are themed with games!
- The Sonic Spinball whizzer in Adventure Land, sponsored by SEGA
- Golf challenge anyone?
- Peekaboo a castle!
- Pirates show at the Mutiny bay chow area
- well at least we can have all the food to ourselves! :P
- Place still quiet just after opening
- Aye matety!
- The pirate themed Mutiny bay
- Aihoy pirates and the cable cars!
- Say cheese!
- On the front fields battle galleons
- The Alton castle towers themselves in the background
- Lets go there, there and there. And there
- :3 yummy
- Digging the birthday cake at the end. :P
- We are here? :P
- The towers street and grand arcade after the entrance
- Time to get cracking!
- Alton towers here we are!
- Vroom vroom!
- Welds on spot!
- Zing!
- Exhibition afterhours- The DME CIE group
- And man were we a crowd magnet!
- Details check!
- Our gaming simulator booth in the main white tent
- The the MP precision drill next.
- Band marching off
- The performing band.
- & heres the main street parade.
- niffy...
- techno!
- The 3G army exhitbits at the warrior's hall
- We came close to 8000 pull ups end of the 1st day.
- the night is still young...
- lol
- Zhuang & the moonlight
- Primus night Kodak moment
- & trying out the arty guns...