- hip hip hip hip!
- do the dance boy!
- back on Main street USA
- fireworks boom
- dance! disney style!
- look a performance!
- the park by the castle
- nicely themed!
- back on the castle
- 3D movies are the industrial standard now
- with a 180 degree all round screen
- the center stage
- omg omg 3D glasses!
- the pre show gathering area
- spot the disney stars?
- Mickey's PhilharMagic!
- Now time for some
- good bye!
- it's a small world after all!
- tribal
- colourful
- and lifestyles all over the world
- showcasing the cultures...
- it's a slow family boat ride
- this ain't no speed boat alrite
- one full boat to go!
- It's a small world!
- next up!
- didn't bring any ghosts out didn't we?
- the singing busts included!
- fun in the graveyards!
- say cheese!
- Madame Leota?
- got music?
- to the underworld!
- loadup dune buggies!
- these portraits are always so hilarious
- going underground!
- it's so peaceful here
- or laugh at the dead
- punch some books
- plug a leak!
- play and organ!
- pick and instrument of choice!
- fixtures to keep the queue lines busy
- few good men.. and women!
- look invisible horses!
- no ghouls about it!
- awesome queue times!
- frontier land across the river