- 3-2-1
- astronauts telling us how authentic the ride is
- the prep area before the ride
- space shuttle plaza from top of the facility building
- look no queues!
- large building is large!
- deemed to be the most realistic shuttle launch simulator
- the shuttle launch ride
- a ride of a different experience
- Next stop, the rides in the space center
- docking the hubble with the shuttle
- overview of the theater lobby
- post show displays of the hubble
- the huge imax 3D theatre
- get a seat! show's starting!
- now showing! the attack of the Hubble.
- niffy
- ejector seat anyone?
- alien ship!
- complete with props of the trade
- star trek exhibition
- beam me up scotty!
- but first...
- Next up an Imax film!
- on shuttle avenue
- ballastic!
- it even has intelligent sounding words written all over it!
- complete with large rolly balls
- back on the space center grounds
- now a word from our sponsors
- man on moon already too!
- eagle on moon already!
- there eagle!
- houston no find eagle!
- all board!
- a story of man on the moon
- the final league of the Saturn V center
- got command module?
- An ejector ring!
- got command module? :3
- with the service crane still intact
- which tops the saturn rocket
- part of the top structure (in red0
- Another LC
- vultures? really?
- ultra large seats for space suits. :3
- the Astronaut Van
- more lunar module goodness?
- so much rocket to launch so little. :3
- The other end of the saturn rocket