- when in doubt, just head to the nearest lake!
- aha found it!
- Now to look for a ride of the steamy kind.
- This must be Helvellyn water!
- The peaks do look daunting!
- A small stream from the highlands
- A distant peak across Ullswater
- Survival tips on scaling the mountains, so won't just die there. :P
- The place is surrounded by mountains!
- Some of the residences around the area
- Terrence going trigger happy
- It actually rained?
- Here we are at our destination!
- it can literally get rather cloudy here at times
- we are in the clouds!
- they are spectacular!
- the views from the clouds
- passing by some neat mountainous regions
- No a problem with breakfast on board!
- it's an hour long ride along the A592 (Kirkstone Pass)
- Yup, it's a bus aright, no doubt
- On the bus to Glenridding!
- We had Chinese for noms!
- Its more confusing using chopsticks from the instructions. :P
- not to mention good pubs and eateries
- The town is buzzing with lots of really nice joints!
- It's no Tardis, but it the hotel looks real smaller on the inside than it does outside!
- the windermere hotel!
- Digging these off road rovers parked alongside...
- how many engineers you reckon you need to open a gate?
- leaving the sights behind us
- A small trail leading back to the main roads
- a jerry bruckheimer moment... :3
- Do humans come under the "sucker" category?
- Why didn't we see these diections on our way up?
- That's all for today folks!
- Do you think it's time to move on already? :P
- random marco shot
- meet my DSLR compact!
- left or right?
- Shaun
- what more can you ask for?
- hang loose dude over a flowerbed.
- we believe we still can fly!
- A Terrence in natural habitat
- watchmen
- looks just like my desktop bliss wallpaper!
- is that a hump in the ground?
- finally a fence opening!
- We could not emphasise how great the weather was