- yea yea mugen!
- the 3rd gen odyssey in all its glory
- the honda sports concept (HSC) veh on display
- inside the honda stream
- dad checking out the honda stream
- view of the honda booth
- ahha honda!
- the nissan side seems quiet though..
- more of the nissan booth
- heres nissan's booth
- theres a small display on green cars from various manufacturers
- toyota's vision of mobilty heh?
- head of the concept sports
- rear view of the toyota fine
- sport cars that is..
- here the toyota fine.. a hybird.. well mpv
- they had a lineup of concept cars
- still couldn't get enough of the gasoline trishaw heh?
- & what motorshow is not complete without the T
- the rest of the benz display
- not to mention motorised horse carriages!
- more typical mafia vehicles on show...
- oh chicago style wheels
- yea, wind 'em up real good dude
- theres the chunk of bolts of a trishaw
- ohh baby!
- admiring the rugged sports vehicles
- here we have a rather intended formal presentation of Daimler & Benz creations
- ohh I sense bass grounds
- yamaha's booth in front of the merc's
- even harley's in man
- yea its the outback alrite
- me in my outback!
- subaru is in this year, but wheres mitsu??
- more of the lambos on display
- uncarriage of the surbaru outback
- I want one of those!
- lambos convertible variations on display
- they even have our army land rover on display.. oh sangyong...
- ferrari & maserati on display
- :)
- more of the mazdas
- the mazda booth area
- & man do the tires at stamford look beautiful...
- Demo of a rotary engine
- mum & dad eyeing the mazda 3
- heh, not a bad car heh
- thats boom baby!
- here we have a lancer evo
- rally art's parts & stuffs