- best served B&M style!
- their inverted coaster are my favourite
- the ride entrance
- the queu areas
- choose your side!
- the red dragon
- or blue!
- more inversions!
- setting off...
- whee!
- rode this like 3 times. :3
- again!
- view from the coaster vantage
- back on the hot snow area
- who's potter?
- where's platform 9 3/4?
- that way mate!
- farewell hogwarts!
- into a different world
- the land of continents which are lost
- the lost continent!
- giant random arms included!
- the market place
- with interesting wares for sale
- this fountain owns
- literally!
- time for some live stunts
- simbad style
- look a full house!
- decked out!
- it's a live stunt show
- did I say STUNTS?
- a close encounter
- sword fight!
- evil villain wanna kewl you all!
- not till we fry villain first!
- victory!
- next up some fury of poseidon
- entering the temple of doom!
- love the theming detail on the facade
- nicely done
- now, back to our DOOM!
- yes we are DOOMED alrite!
- giant pitch fork will save us all!
- giant pitch fork opens giant water tunnel too!
- water tunnel nice!
- diggin the live actors in this attraction
- including the cool theming