- stegosaurus!
- not a stegosaurus! (Anatotitan fossil skeletons)
- we are just afew branches away
- a Pachycephalosaurus?
- no bones about it
- moving up the evolutionary tree
- boney flying thingies!
- boney swimy thingies!
- at least someone's happy
- something looks fishy here
- Mammals!
- Oh no Manny!
- No ungulates about it!
- no moose about it
- rawr!
- ungulates of all sizes
- including the fun sized ones
- few of the balcony viewing areas
- overlooking the city of Newyork from central park
- look giant tapirs!
- we came a long way...
- a scene from a long time ago
- have you hugged your bear today?
- overlooking the canyons
- mmm tribal
- many intricate hand craving on display
- look a boat!
- it's a big boy...
- rainforest habitats
- just add wings!
- the human evolutionary chambers
- finding about this interesting...
- ...so-called human species
- Hi uncle Joe!
- So there's Uncle Sam!
- now for the stoney parts of the museum
- including space rocks
- both small and really large ones
- not forgetting the stoned stones
- got amonite?
- a remarkable wall of fur, shells and feathers!
- our furry friends...
- not forgetting our ocean friends too
- Omg, the Milstein Ocean Hall's grand!
- 1-1 scale blue whale
- this place is awesome!
- central walk across the road
- That's all folks for the night at the museum!
- ahoy! coasters spotted afar!
- Cedar Point!