- It feels just like Japan subways at peak hour!
- flatbed is the way to travel in groups
- Woo, ust like a stegosaurus!
- blackhat-2019-033
- A view of the Horseshoe lake
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- The City hall and glass facade
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- The platforms were literally spilling! Train approaching!
- The London Tower
- Fireoworks by the london eye
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- Booze check, now it's party party time!
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- City Hall, and the Scoop
- And cheer leading groups too!
- Welcome to Hampshire!
- Time to catch the sights!
- The Hay's Galleria, if that is what it's called.
- Next stop, the big.. umm tower bridge in person!
- The underground at maximum capacity
- Some Dino TV is always a welcome.
- Ohh shiny tower glowstick thingies! (Roald Dahl Plass)
- Heading back by the underground after the event
- Guess they were sticking to the dress code.
- A mix of old and the new, but still all round old. :P
- The same can't be said inside the train too!
- A fitting closing display for the dino section
- But first a walk by....
- And they say the tower bridge is big!
- Woot jet streams.
- While some are just, well.
- blackhat-2019-031
- Many marching bands
- Night falls on the tower bridge
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- defcon-2019-033
- blackhat-2019-022
- Cheery Christmas trees aside
- The parade saw itself many popular sights in London
- Many of the truck floats serve as good muscial platforms
- And the watching crowd keeps coming
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- defcon-2019-030
- Another view of the fairgrounds
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- More cheer leaders!
- Tractors + floats = win!
- blackhat-2019-032