« 2007
2009 »

- Projector check!
- Presumably rigged to our capsule roof top compass as well
- Presentation of appointment by Rotarian Wolf
- Post event photos with our president!
- Picture perfect!
- Photogenic moment of the transforming marina bay
- Photo Genic shot of the rear PC and fan system
- Overview of the various rotaract groups in the event
- Out of the capsule here we go!
- Our programme for the night
- Our gaming simulator booth in the main white tent
- Our display booth stand
- Our CLS CIE group with their physio beans!
- Our CIE tower of brochures!
- On the rear we have Temasek boulevard in the background
- Ok, That is all folks! Remember to check out my article on the flyer itself!
- Oh so that's where we came from!
- Nice view
- Nesh preparing his intro speech
- Nesh getting this "yo baby" style right
- My visiting parents at the booth!
- Moving all our projects in
- More of the little circle thingy which make big circle thingy go round
- More last minute preps before
- More funky aliens
- More $$$ spent!
- Man was the Ballroom packed!
- looking spunky!
- Lookin grovey!
- It still looks like day on the east side
- Inside the tent, time to fill da spaces!
- Industry night dinner!
- In you go for your Gr8 Moment!
- I peek with my little eye
- I never got so interested in Ferris wheels before, but oh well just being the kids I was!
- Here you get to see your green screen photos you've taken pre-ride, costs $12-$20
- Here we spot a UFO calling spire
- Here we have the official presentation of posts in the club
- Here we are at the top of the revolution
- Here we are at the Singapore Flyer!
- Here we are at the central boarding "hording" area
- Here we are at the ballroom!
- Here comes our capsule of death!
- going for a ride' now wheres the other half?
- First with the roll call for all our invited guests
- Finally some things to see!
- Exhibition afterhours- The DME CIE group
- Everyone's busy at the pre-event setup
- Everyone rushed for seats at the start, 5 minutes later, no one was on them!
- Details check!