- The San Francisco Bay
- The San francisco City hall
- The San Francisco skyline
- the satellite of the space race
- The Saturn V rocket
- The Saturn V's a huge boy
- the sculpture galleries serves as a major hallway
- The Shaw Memorial Project
- the shuttle launch ride
- The sky lit roofs
- the small museum section of the building
- The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum!
- The Smithsonian natural history museum
- The Smithsonian rock!
- The Social Hall, destroyed by fire during the Native American occupation
- The space center entrance
- the space center's about1-2 hour drive from downtown orlando
- the space race indeed!
- The Space Shuttle Explorer
- the space tour buses
- the speaking skeleton
- The special museum showcase in the basement
- the spick and clean galleries
- the spread looks good!
- the stage 2 component
- the starway to stardom!
- the story of the caged city
- the street in the morning
- The street's waking up
- The streets getting busy
- the strong crashing waves by the bay
- The suffering
- the sun is setting behind us
- the sun over the horizon
- the sun, breeze and the sea!
- the sunset at full force
- The Tech Museum of Innovation!
- The temple and seats in place
- The thinker in thought
- The Tomb of the Unknowns
- The top floors
- the tour brings us out of the space center
- The Tranamerica tower and San Francisco skyline
- The Transamerica Pyramid!
- the transforming city
- The twin peaks from afar
- The twin peaks in the distance
- The two cable car lines (Powell-Hyde and Mason)
- The Union Square
- The union square park