- the fast 5 show cars
- and John Hammond's dream
- all board
- Sploosh!
- what was that I head flowing?
- everyone loves dinosaurs!
- moving into the main building
- not a problem we can fix!
- strip cafe!
- WET!
- must slide!
- The main complex building
- look we have company!
- what goes up...
- this place tops in disasters
- and shopping, F&B boulevard
- Popeye at center stage
- which goes well with the open air amphitheater
- the coaster down the station brake run
- The Jurassic park river adventure
- feeding the dinosaurs one boat at a time
- many characters of the sunday funnies
- of the rip saw falls!
- the ride loading area
- but good nonetheless
- mm not here either
- Simpsons style!
- excited beach and boat goers
- the setting sun over the horizon
- now for our next scene
- while we are still, um dry!
- got hat?
- heading into the complex
- lets go on a tour!
- this a revue and different from the one in universal LA
- someone's happy in the sun!
- a ride of awesome!
- it's a effects motion simulator
- got Delorean?
- but first a walk down universal lane
- no other better way...
- got toon?
- good to know
- shop shops
- balently ignores the warning signs
- honey who shrunk the kids?
- not that we are complaining!
- including flying ones!
- roll it roll it!