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- and foodies!
- our first T-junction
- looking back the full stretch
- madagascar's on the left
- left brings you to madagascar
- we like to move it move it
- the agents were here...
- ogres, meaning...
- yep, sounds about right
- A Shrek 4D ride should be near...
- Live shows!
- Waxy!
- the waterworld stage
- the crowd!
- pre-show warmers
- wet!
- Sploosh!
- let the show begin!
- losta jetskis
- & badabong!
- pyroable pyrotechnics
- villians always get the fancy eye-patches
- hanging by the moment
- bada boom!
- could be more fiery
- going airbrone!
- hanging by the moment
- that gotta hurt! XD
- mommy!
- everything should end with a...
- big ending kaboom!
- we might find dinosaurs here!
- how to train your raptor!
- Pteranodon canopy soarin!
- it's a heavily themed Setpoint suspended coaster
- Do not feed your dinosaurs flares
- taking to the skies
- welcome as what john hammond would say
- the feedi- um loading bay!
- it protects u from bites too!
- the loading bay
- no standard issue rifles?
- on the roll!
- A dino themed Zamperla carousel
- splash down!
- surprisingly not as wet as expected
- a dollar pop gets them wetter
- grab your goods!
- The canopy flyer
- The dino section of the park