- the jetty in the morning
- view of the beach from the jetty
- the sg-johor straits
- sun rays peeking through the clouds
- as usual the parks are all deserted in the mornings
- Dang, they took away the pits!
- rawr I am the evil pigeon plotting world domination
- just when you thought you saw us all
- theres more from where that came from....
- it rained in the early morning, which cooled the area up for
- our next league of our journey!
- farewell shot to Sembawang Park
- next up - ultra long stretchs of road at a go
- not to mention prisons
- ready with gettaway bikes just outside
- & an ambulances you won't want to be in.
- not to mention finding a new direction
- there are alot of heavy industries lined along the roads
- resting at busstops
- I wanna go home!
- lock and load!
- not all part of the journey was smooth...
- fallen tree along our route
- but that didn't hinder us much
- we passed by some jungles
- before reaching civilization again!
- ah familar sights at woodlands, make sure your tank is not empty!
- hop 2-3-4!
- Our last checkpoint for the expedition
- and man is everyone's burnt!
- a photo for a photo!
- we saw the last stretch up towards marsling kranji area
- before officially ending the expedition with a debrief at the MRT station itself
- thats all folks!
- ooo finger snappy!
- our remarkable cloth shield in full glory!
- for ya seaside freaks, heres more p0rn for you!