- An indoor skate park by the theatre
- A view of blackfriars and St pauls from a distance
- Black knights loop
- air_show_aerial_pub_6
- You can head over to St Paul's over the thames here
- air_show_aerial_pub_3
- Random seagull & St pauls
- I lost count of the number of bridges, on the thames, about 20 I reckon?
- You gotta love the free fall tower!
- air_show_aerial_pub_1
- The Blackfriars bridge from affair
- You gotta love the big slides!
- air_show_aerial_pub_4
- legoland msia dec15 080
- nagoya japan 2016 28
- moscow-vdnkh-23
- air_show_aerial_pub_2
- legoland msia dec15 112
- legoland msia dec15 013
- A bipedal Rex like fossil
- air_show_aerial_pub_5
- Pigeons here are extra fluffy
- nagoya japan 2016 23
- legoland msia dec15 001
- nagoya japan 2016 21
- & Giant ant butt again
- A bugged town it is.
- toyota museum 2016 025
- legoland msia dec15 002
- & man it sure is icey to drive
- toyota museum 2016 024
- toyota museum 2016 002
- legoland msia dec15 014
- A bridge under the tower bridge
- moscow-vdnkh-11
- YOu got love the random medieval-ness you can encounter anywhere in the city
- A brand new shopping day at Oxford street!
- nagoya japan 2016 20
- legoland msia dec15 003
- moscow-vdnkh-01
- & to your left of the embankment...
- toyota museum 2016 013
- A walk down stoney street
- nagoya japan 2016 04
- moscow-vdnkh-18
- blackhat-2019-044
- moscow-vdnkh-02
- moscow-vdnkh-13
- toyota museum 2016 107
- moscow-vdnkh-51