- home to many dry climate plants
- down for the conservatory entrances
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- The beds are totally kid-sized
- optically illusion-ed!
- Giant courdon!
- The moat and bottom
- The roof was a separate entity
- inside the flower dome
- more musings on the exhibit trail
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- setting the direction in art
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- the spaces on the exhibit floor
- Our next set
- The scene preserved as in the first movie
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- Slytherin
- jumping between sets
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- icey!
- For the human actors
- in Cambridge!
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- The conservatory super structure
- more hall shots!
- show directorship
- I think I am in chocolate heaven!
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- very nicely crafted props for the ball scene
- the next highlight!
- particularly in arid areas
- cheers!
- Complete with labeled suitcases
- so many to see!
- hi Hagrid!
- little movie items
- rawr gator!
- open event areas
- one for each production member in all the shows
- the kinfe magically chops
- Huddlepuff
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- costuming is a big part
- Severus Snapes and Dumbledore!
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- Central prop store
- how it started