- Captain America awesomeness!
- The ride theming's rather good
- Got comics?
- got Octo?
- Into a park which is Jurassic!
- Pyrotechnics, water and cool effect, the ride gets my awesome approval
- The marvel gallery
- of old memories
- The largest on the block!
- your standard issue blaster cadet!
- Seuss Landing!
- with a choice of onboard music too
- the ride!
- ...with a giant pimple problem
- waiting to be tortured... :3
- the loading docks
- the ride's a 3D motion simulator
- and monument thingie
- Now for a ride of the nick toon kind
- Woody Woodpeckers nuthouse coaster
- A street of film excellence!
- oo misty!
- with the Simpsons too!
- the initial climb was like omgawd!
- now for a disaster!
- mm doesn't look right
- hail to the stars!
- reversible destruction!
- crazy agents
- did you hear something zip past?
- floating!
- lets put the guinea pigs out!
- and the Jules Verne Train!
- the trains into the station
- back on amblin
- the ride store, selling twisty stuff
- Rock IT Coaster
- including some overgrown ones!
- oldelay!
- now where are we?
- and the waves!
- just like the one on TV
- it's a wrap!
- the main loop
- down old america
- arghh!
- and the roof went down too!
- the director's watching!
- diggin' the awesome MGM Hollywood look
- chicks included!