- Well, almost everybody lol!
- Here we are at the ballroom!
- Rotaract Installation at SP Graduate's Guild!
- The Mechnical Engineering CIE Gang!
- The Gold award presented to my teammate, Khowming (I was the photographer haha)
- The prize presentation at the convention center
- Photo Genic shot of the rear PC and fan system
- Our CIE tower of brochures!
- Our display booth stand
- Our CLS CIE group with their physio beans!
- Close up of the simulator
- Some exhibits by the design school
- going for a ride' now wheres the other half?
- Track & Field mate darius with his auto breakfast machine
- A demo for the principal
- Saturday! Spinnovex 2008
- My visiting parents at the booth!
- Lookin grovey!
- A view of my team's simulator
- The industry and VVIP night
- Industry night dinner!
- A clean unobstructed shot of our exhibit
- And lots of kids as well!
- Adults tryouts
- We got crowds!
- Exhibition afterhours- The DME CIE group
- And man were we a crowd magnet!
- Details check!
- Our gaming simulator booth in the main white tent
- Moving all our projects in
- Inside the tent, time to fill da spaces!
- Spinnovex 2008 main tentage