- not when john finishes his ice-cream!
- into a pit of no return!
- It's essentially a crazy mild mouse
- Where are we again?
- well, top on a bus, actually!
- The dessert spread in the buffet
- sitting on the upper deck is a no-brainer choice
- John still sucking on his ice cream
- Have legs will travel!
- ah yes, smells like a lake, sounds like a lake, looks like one too!
- The adjacent iconic hotel blocks
- A closing view of the bridge and the resort
- The lack of mosquitoes is also veryyyy reassuring.
- and it's a convertible!
- Several underground linkways serve the shops & hotel
- Stick in O
- Including adult ulgy ducklings
- Rushing between station transits
- 2 guys and big rock, nothing to see here
- did someone say cheese?
- Oblivion!
- But this bus needs more NITROUS!
- And down they go!
- Was it left or right again?
- oh look life rafts! :p
- yes a pit of no return! wahahaha!
- Churchill engineers feel just right at home
- Beats trekking in a tropical forest, it's so cooling here!
- shoot off!
- oh hell yea!
- Each show lasts about 5 mins
- Back in the tranquility of the forest!
- we got to meet marine avian residents by the lake
- Boats laid on the beachline
- On the front fields battle galleons
- Pirates show at the Mutiny bay chow area
- which has quite a high rider turnover given the number of cars in op too
- The university logo
- The towers street and grand arcade after the entrance
- Little streams along our trek
- The station is packed by very fast moving
- Anxious riders...
- A peek of the hill crest
- The lake is a popular sailing spot too
- The screams attract a considerable audience at times. :P
- Seems we are on the right track!
- Is that a sampan?
- Got train?
- Time to get cracking!
- The supended metallic "mess" hanging above the atrium