- which is a Rail and supply bridge
- More power!
- And we found liberty!
- Best view of the statue's from a boat!
- neato
- Ground zero from the Hudson
- random helicopter
- Oh look what we have here?
- Aircraft carrier USS Intrepid!
- Mmm business suits, which can only mean...
- Wall street!
- US main financial district (NYSE behind)
- Lots of upmarket stores here too.
- Hey Franklin!
- He's ain't fired yet
- A walk down with the bull and bears
- Speaking of bull, the Wall street charging bull!
- check, yup still a bull! :P
- The Bowling Green by the charging bull
- Omg, rain
- back into subterranean hiding
- And poof we are at the Rockefeller Plaza
- Got Rock?
- Hey fella, got rock?
- Not when you get to go on top of it!
- Lets take the stairs up!
- All 70 floors of it!
- omg, what a view
- Central park on the left
- Look ion cannons!
- zap zap zap
- it's getting dark
- The transforming NY skyline to night
- The roof deck
- and sub viewing areas
- Tada the night skyline!
- The streaks of interstate highways in the distance
- omg funky motion activated lights!
- it gets windy up here!
- That bright spot is you guessed it, TimesSquare
- NY is a city which never sleeps
- Now you will understand why
- That's all for New york folks!
- Papaya dog serves great tasting dogs!
- castro_map
- Kennedy Space Center Aerial View