- follow the grated brick road!
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- showcasing various limestone & precious crystals
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- out the turntiles
- the Planted wall with visible floors
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- hollywood's the exit!
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- complete with lifts, escalators & toilets
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- looking out through the cavern walls
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- the place is best visited at night
- if the mountain were real, then yea!
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- the walkways overlaps
- Sesame street is a new addition here
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- park closes before sunset
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- the lower catwalks
- the view on the "mountain"
- the hollywood walk
- like all the way down!
- digging the concept
- complete with a laser reflective pond
- the broadwalk may scare those with vetigo
- overview on the top
- so don't look down
- the supertrees in the distance
- the hidden treasures section
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- Signing the car
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