- The notorious decoy the Anglin brothers used to fool guards
- all next to the Notre Dame!
- China and Porcelain gallery
- Entrance of the museum
- Too much too see!
- Finally up in the gallery!
- Gordon seems lost in the art world...
- The Deep Exhibition 29
- Dreamworks ArtScience 37
- iceland-glacier-trek-042
- iceland-national-museum-033
- Me & Cous Ben, the man of the night!
- The tapestries sections
- back in the galleries
- tokyo enoshima 44
- the fastest is from castro, head up to 20 street
- More paint on canvas thingies
- Orchestically Niffy!
- somehow this shot of gordon turned out pretty photogenic
- The Venus de Milo Gallery
- who Have Died Pursuing the News
- Tomorrow land!
- Did I mention it was my turn to take over the camera now?
- iceland-national-museum-031
- iceland-national-museum-050
- Otherwise known as "The Tech"
- gotta love the indoor courtyards
- iceland-northern-lights-5
- overlooking the islamic section
- Its like one shot per school
- Ben: i think I had seen to many flashes!
- The Deep Exhibition 24
- The Deep Exhibition 25
- inmate visitation areas
- one of the largest natural history museums in US
- iceland-glacier-trek-038
- iceland-glacier-trek-044
- without the delicious famous clam chowder!
- the atrium from the top floor
- SG50 Lego 03
- many of the main galleries feature modern art
- you can miss it!
- The welcome area of LC 39
- Dreamworks ArtScience 25
- with first hand experiences from inmates themselves
- all around the world!
- Michelangelo's famous Slaves
- SG50 Youth Festival Art 02
- mmm chowder.... :P
- A showcase of Japanese culture