- Oh funky lanterns!
- It did well. :)
- and even a harrier jet!
- Here comes Shaun!
- Shaun: Need to eat.. brrrains...
- It's surprising relaxing to drive on the motorways despite covering over 500km at ago.
- The marine display spans 2 full levels
- Looking finished already!
- With many motion simulators on the floor too
- Next on the agenda!
- Pre-race pep talk at the starting grid
- Looks just like how it's pictured in the brochure! :P
- Seems we are the only ones though...
- Laying the drive, steering and electronics
- Hitting the road
- Putting the pieces of the chasis together
- Making some last minute preps
- Shaun + waterfall
- Here we are on the lazy river!
- That's all for the waterpark for the day
- Though it can get rather chilly at times...
- Shaun getting suited for the race!
- Another attempt at underwater portraits.
- Lookie me!
- Electric races are usually usually slient. :P
- Out at the outdoor pool area, glad the water is heated!
- The carbon fiber phallic front nose cone is ready
- The track scenery is awesome
- Connect 4, donut edition.
- Our car after the race
- Coracles? Can it be eaten?
- A modern bypass jet engine
- No wonder!
- There is more than one way to skin a zombie...
- River needs more speeds with a tube race!
- Overlooking the slient electric race.
- dive, breathe, smile! oh wait...
- Go faster stripes- Not an option. :p
- Testing fitting the driver compartment
- Overlooking the Making of the modern world displays (Transport)
- Putting all the pieces together
- A pendulum clock telling the time from simple oscillations...
- Car and driver. :P
- Now ot work on the bodywork molds
- And we are off!
- His evilness preping a water trap. :#
- A display dedicated to King George the 3rd
- ETA an electric race car in 100 hours!
- WWII planes on display