- We came close to 8000 pull ups end of the 1st day.
- wavy!
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- all board!
- Really? This is new?
- a rep explaining to COA bout the robots.
- Ah ha some much needed lunch rest.
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- making their way to the ride
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- All board!
- There was a short downpour in the afternoon
- turning into our first encounter
- The the MP precision drill next.
- ups a daisy!
- Band marching off
- LSVs for grabs
- But that didn't stop us & the visitors either...
- hats up!
- here we see a demo of robo football.
- the night is still young...
- theres a challenge for the world record of pullups done in an event.
- and heres my 12 for the record!
- The 3G army exhitbits at the warrior's hall
- some chit-chat before the safari
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- everyone's gettin' excited
- The performing band.
- COA making his way around the parade SQ
- The picnic area (Yea!)
- time to dismount...
- mmm even the US marines give our giftshops a visit!
- chief getting his helmet on
- ready to move off.
- Here's the urban warfare area..
- the contrast of civilian & military transport....
- passing the SOC grounds.
- this way mdm
- almost halfway thru the tour...
- Helmets up!
- COA wife & children
- niffy...
- spat...
- tehehe
- spot the sniper!
- another hightlight: Tank & APC life firing.
- chief & his children