- which look really kiddy imo
- which literally goes over the edge!
- which links right to the Arabian gulf
- Which is also like an apartment too!
- which involves escaping through random oversized phallic objects
- which can snake on for ages!
- where is this telescope you mentioned about?
- where is the Capitol again?
- where in the world are we again?
- where are we again?
- Where are we again?
- whee!
- what's a streak which is blue?
- what on earth's at the atrium?
- what more can you ask for?
- What do we have here?
- What bridge?
- what are we doing on a vega airstrip?
- what a nice wheel... dun!
- wham!
- West of downtown Pittsburgh
- Well, only in Dubai!
- well off to the air on our catered plane of course!
- Welcome! says the one who walks funny
- Welcome to Vegas baby!
- welcome back!
- We won't get a shortage of totem pole here!
- We saw sharks yea! So did this sign!
- we met frankie on the backlot tram queue as well!
- we later ended up behind bars...
- we have nice water flowy thingies by the sides
- We got to sample some many traditional tibits
- we gave it our seal of approval
- We can actually see buildings in the distance!
- we came a long way...
- we broke our truck!
- we are just afew branches away
- we all volunteered! :3
- Watching the touchdown from the nose camera
- wanted dead or alive
- Walking down the streets of Via Rodeo
- wahahahahaha!
- Wafi in all it's glory
- Wacky architecture by the creekside
- Visiblity is fairly good today
- Views from the top
- View of the Madinat Jumeirah Resort
- Various Yachts zooming by the waterside
- various flat rides around
- Various cloth on display