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- They can all be found in one collective area
- There are just oo many of them
- The stores are really nicely themed too
- Called this!
- Just to name afew
- It's simply a splurger's paradise
- Here we are at the boutique shops
- The grand entrance lobby area
- They have this cool touch info panels for directories, but are rather laggy
- The basement shops
- The star atrium
- Did I say STARS?
- Few of the long walkways with goes on forever
- Not too far off is the Waterfront Promenade
- The address at dubai mall
- Which is essentially a large man-made lake
- Reflective views of the lake
- and home to the Palace old town
- the world's largest indoor aquarium
- Everybody love sharks!
- There is quite an array of marine life in the tank
- including man made wooden piers for a weathered look
- At the other end of the tunnel!
- Look fishes in the shops!
- Blury shark is blury!
- A Squatiniforme or angel shark I reckon?
- The aquarium is located just by various stores
- The same can't be said for the Corals too
- Everyone loves piranhas!
- O rly?
- Hi Ray! oh wait...
- There is quite an assortment of fishes on display
- Mmmm informative
- All pool full of Archers!
- Arowanas? that's a chinese businessman wetdream
- Each display is tied to a fact board
- Electrifying!
- Bobble bobble bobble
- Sting! meet ray!
- Coral display
- Ahem, Sawfish?
- Complete with their own target practice board. :3
- A pride of Lion fishes
- The creepy crawly section of the zoo!
- Spot the gecko?
- Aha!
- I don't see any gecko here
- Rawr human! feed me!
- Various constrictors in enclosures
- Are we missing a giant spider here?