- along Montgomery Street
- That's a folks! SPACCEEEEE!
- the original cable car operators
- Next stop
- remembering those who lost their lives in their line of duty
- up into the alley
- The palace of fine arts!
- Guns ahoy!
- the grand arch for the street
- it's one of the most famous monuments in Paris
- Now it's a secular mausoleum containing the remains of distinguished French citizens
- iceland-golden-circle-047
- fit for a king?
- Underground access under the Charles de Gaulle
- Our restaurant of choice
- Off to the main park (which closes much later)
- Back in Cluny for supper!
- it's a 2 layer cell
- iceland-perlan-sage-122
- One which does inversions too!
- totally buzzing market atmosphere
- just look for this building
- shop shop shop!
- looking fanastic
- what do we have here
- the pier side walk
- nicely decked out
- iceland-perlan-sage-119
- More trishaws
- Armageddon effects showcase
- got candy?
- lots of candy!
- and what we have here
- just gets better
- but are pulled uphills up cables
- a monumental structure originally constructed...
- such as this tamed drop tower
- Got U?
- totally movie style!
- for a view of a different kind!
- up on the stage
- The view of freedom
- San Fran island
- Active as in live
- iceland-glacier-trek-071
- The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier beneath the Arc
- A new day! along Saint Michel!
- very interesting indeed
- Chinese restaurants
- iceland-perlan-sage-070