- Looks like it's gonna be a long night!
- Hanging around town for some coffee
- Urghh! Stabbed!
- Speaking of Toys...
- quite a huge one right in a Toys'R'Us
- An indoor ferris wheel!
- and what do we have here?
- Shops by the walk
- *dons sunglasses*
- look north!
- Look south
- Amen!
- TimesSquare is self illuminating!
- You literally do not need any street lamps here
- Timessquare is very different at night
- So many LIGHTS
- Popping out of the underground!
- Chilling out at University pubs for dinner
- The University library
- The other side!
- Visiting a friend at Columbia university!
- back on 40 something street
- And on the road again
- on the bus!
- Newyork's home to tons of skyscrapers
- so MANY Bridges, oh its the same one again.
- Riverside Church by Riverside Drive
- peculiar angle statue!
- Towering!
- Yup, the right Trump!
- Trump Tower from afar?
- The older, more iconic UN building across the street
- The United nations building
- Overground!
- Back in manhattan
- head choppers!
- back on the Bridge
- industrial!
- back in downtown Brooklyn
- glassy!
- cool looking tower
- The Brooklyn Botanic Gardens is huge!
- The Brooklyn Museum of Art
- Brooklyn Public Library
- The Grand Army Plaza
- left or right?
- Brooklyn Queens Expressway
- Manhattan skyline from Furman Street on the eastern coast
- The upskirt of the Brooklyn Bridge