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- Vote Earth Switch Shepard Fairey
- Speed work
- Singapore's best design!
- The event grounds
- Asian civilization museum
- Comex 2008
- Missing Kiki
- Team Fortress 2 Pyro FlareGun
- Team Fortress 2 Pyro Axtinguisher
- Team Fortress 2 Pyro Backburner
- Segway Polo
- Segway Beatles
- SAA Excellence Awards at Moberly on 13 March 2008
- Got my Ubber saw!
- The place is packed
- The busy crowds
- Walk round Little India
- Serving selection area
- The table setting and servings
- General setting
- Muthus Curry Eatery Outside
- Nus 2008 Admissions Letter
- O' the nostalgia! Starcom 80s cartoon series
- CNY Dinner at Grans 2008
- Team Fortress 2 Engineers
- The valve Orangebox
- My visiting parents at the booth!
- Lookin grovey!
- A view of my team's simulator
- The industry and VVIP night
- Industry night dinner!
- A clean unobstructed shot of our exhibit
- And lots of kids as well!
- Adults tryouts
- We got crowds!
- SCM 07 Prerace
- Free Birthday Donuts!
- CECT W100 Camera Wrist Phone with bluetooth
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