- sc suw429
- sc suw427
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- sc suw420
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- sc suw413
- sc suw410
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- sc suw408
- Revised N95i Camera
- Revised N95i Battery Compartment
- Revised N95i Music Keys
- Revised N95i SDHC support
- Ndp 07 Fireworks
- SP Free Napfa Crumpler Pouch
- CSE Module Cocktail Network Party
- Thats all folks!
- The VIP table and President Peilli
- Buffet Dinner!
- Group Shot!
- Speech by Rotarian Wolf
- Presentation of appointment by Rotarian Wolf
- In the Ballroom
- Peilli Our new President Elect!
- Rotaract Installation at SP Graduate's Guild!
- Happy Birthday Darius!
- The DOMO dissected...
- DOMO Kun -ism!
- Food and BBQ
- Games of Basketball
- Butt too friction-y Can't Slide!
- Venice at your doorstep?
- The Caribbean
- Need for Speed Most Wanted
- Singapore Bay Run 2007
- Pepper Ridge GoldFish!
- Hanabi Japanese Restaurant Food
- Hanabi Japanese Restaurant Entrance
- Newbalance Real Run 2007 at Changi
- Vesak Day 2007
- Adventure Race Rock Climb Practice
- SP Swimming Pool Upgrading Closure
- Company CS session
- Dinner with Alec
- Brooks Life Run 10km Looping Route
- View from the delta park entrance
- Pathed Community Area where gatherings and night taichi are normally held
- More of the playground area
- The children playground