- if you can smell this photo, you know you are there!
- not to mention a place for us crazy trekkers for the night!
- remember to slow down before approaching the hump
- we simply spend the whole night cooking everything we have for the last night
- the johor straits
- the sg-johor straits
- there are alot of heavy industries lined along the roads
- thats all folks!
- something came through here in the night
- me ain't no terrorist!
- it even has funcky dolphin paintings inside it's roof!
- we saw ourselves making our way from pasir ris towards seletar airbase in the heat of the afternoon
- yea man!
- we chatted and played card games in the hut
- and what other better way spend to night...
- cream of chicken with cup noodles
- the shipyard's always buzzing with activity
- the jetty in the morning
- resting at busstops
- even their bartenders are out practicing mixing
- ...lunch!...
- making all of us at home...
- here human traffic rule over cars!
- conquering the dam
- there are nearby swings & playground in case we hadn't got enough of pasir-ris park ones
- if you can see squint, clearly the signs says no cycling
- with some rather interesting contraptions like
- rise and shine! day 4!
- sun rays peeking through the clouds
- I wanna go home!
- yup did I mention the place was quiet?
- *beep* please report all suspicious articles or call 999...
- trekking style!
- and man are the road stretches long!
- with rather interestin sights along the way
- but it's one of the most open and cozy ones
- I didn't do that!
- everybody have a chance at it!
- and we have beach
- as usual the parks are all deserted in the mornings
- lock and load!
- it's really like a dead town on a saturday morning
- with luncheon!
- with the sunset comes more sights to behold
- whats up there?
- like a makeshift jetty
- not that we are totall obsessed with
- its not exactly one of the bigger parks around
- theres also baked beans and mashed potatos for everybody
- and more beach!