Home / Photos / Places / Singapore / Polytechnic / Sentosa - SP Track & Field (Sem1 05) 16
SP Track & Field Sentosa Outing

- King Tomb Construction phase one!
- Ariel View one
- Whats with the yellow stick dude?
- Last finishing touches...
- With a stick to the head!
- Ganesh the king!
- & there we have it! the master piece!
- Hail worship the great sand pharoah!
- Climbing by the moment...
- Hanging by the moment!
- Thats all Folks! SP Track & Field Team (Sem1 05)
- Here we are at Sentosa again!
- & there we have it beach soccer
- But not burying Ganesh 1st!
- Ganesh: I feel like a king with my working minions around!
- IMG_37.jpg