- Therefore a mix of western buildings in the area
- the monarchy was abolished when the Portuguese conquered it in 1511
- Comprising mainly Malay sultanates...
- Malacca (aka Negeri Bersejarah) is the 3rd smallest Malaysian state
- Outside the ruins
- Murals or vandalism, you name it!
- This used to be a well or sort
- street buskers included!
- of the Famosa kind
- Oh it's a fort
- what's buzzling here?
- Tombs on the top
- View from the fort
- Behold a hulk of old bricks!
- Up we go!
- palmy trees!
- Inside the fort entrance
- Look fort!
- Meet my big gun!
- Cannons along Jalan Kota
- Fire away!
- Ruins of Fort A Famosa
- aka the a'famosa Fortress
- Porta De Santiago
- comfy bed-cony included!
- The hotel for the stay
- which is somewhere in Malaysia!
- Welcome to Malacca
- Thats all folks for KL Marathon 2007!
- not to mention cutting edge 21st century-type ready personal dustbins in place!
- and TV which I don't watch...
- with 2 levels of snoozing estate
- and boy it's another Big Boy!
- an international breakfast buffet and over 500RM shopped later... (Mmmmm dang I overspent...) we are back on the bus!
- Met up with sotong and more of the SGrunners thereafter before our return bus trip in the afternoon
- Shot with the TLR from SGrunners
- and a medal to boot!
- finished in 2.05 gun time 2:04 net time
- us half-marathoners
- take 2!
- at the start... umm i mean finish line!
- The girls and more sun!
- The morning running group
- 2 half-marathons and 10km-ers
- at least everyone came back in one piece!
- more merdeka flaggy goodness!
- scklmara_0059.jpg
- yiying and elrick with his Puss(TM) Look
- Baggage collect was very speedy! I like!
- 4.45am Up! 6am Start! 21km later... 8am+ here we are!