- shot of the ride which nobody rides
- The lift well
- heres the venice part of the area, fancy all the pasta shops around here.. hey isn't that italian?
- interesting exhitbits they have here, see the monorail ship passing by on top?
- a kodak moment of the central atrium (those are monoral tracks on the top left)
- SC KL 0022
- they even have a big screen!
- the place is heavily themed
- it speeds pass above shoppers, you can't miss the screams!
- with an indoor motorised coaster!
- stores & such
- its an integrated shopping center
- its shop, eat play here!
- Welcome to first world plaza
- Mmm midday snack
- Super toboggan
- Queuing up for rides
- rarz come to dinoland!
- is the bridge shaking shaun?)
- that was a ride! (considering it was my 5th time on it!
- & again & again!
- 1st of corkscrew!
- here we are at genting