- SCM 07 Prerace
- N95 8GB Sample photo (CintechII Carkpark)
- N95 8GB Sample photo (Padang)
- N95 8GB Sample photo (Night Shot in Pub)
- N95 8GB Sample photo (Fort Canning Legends)
- N95 8GB Sample photo (Victoria Concert Hall)
- Runner on steriods
- We see a Finisher! (SCM 06)
- Packed stuff
- Please overtake on the right...
- N95 8GB Sample photo (Fort Canning Legends)
- A salty situation
- Borders UK closing down
- Current and Past Perfect Tense
- Swissotel Vertical Marathon 2006 - Shaun
- Swissotel Vertical Marathon 2006 - Shaun
- Right Race Orientation
- Swissotel Vertical Marathon Rooftop
- Thats 4 pallets for the day!
- The afternoon at the boys brigade
- I am on Reserve!
- SP Bookprize for outstanding performance
- Eminent Fart Boost
- Swissotel Vertical Marathon 2006 - Shaun
- SCM 2006 Running route 42.195km
- Performance Skit
- Singing christmas carols
- Christmas get-together dinner