- here lies the drunkards of the night
- just when you though it couldn't get worst...
- a scene of utter chaos
- hurry, moonray protection up!
- now lets spot UFOs!
- the next morning as u see it
- a view from the room's balcony
- couldn't get enough of this...
- HA you won't get any FISHES THERE
- the boats, (now which is cg's one)
- could be here...
- or here...
- or maybe one which leaks! abandon ship!
- john: I think I left the key somewhere.. in there?
- a view of the "chalets" still wondering y don't they have TVs
- yea, I can say, it was a pleasant stay
- all board the cg express.
- now THATS in car entertainment
- WOW look what I FOUND in the boot?
- happy meal?