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- Ok, That is all folks! Remember to check out my article on the flyer itself!
- The night experience is just as unique as the day, or you can experience both like me!
- Some miscellaneous shots of the wheel at night, it rotates colour gradually
- And here we are at the VIP room!
- Here you get to see your green screen photos you've taken pre-ride, costs $12-$20
- More $$$ spent!
- Across the exit aero bridge to...
- Side rails ensure no angry hordes meet trampoline net
- The place looks rather spacey-porty at night
- Out of the capsule here we go!
- The ride ends and it's all dark already!
- A shot of the Skyline with The Sheares bridge lit
- Rawewr me angry capsule still on your tail!
- Oh so that's where we came from!
- Photogenic moment of the transforming marina bay