- like this cool baggage collection area for example!
- ok enough done with the scale model, lets get on with the 1:1 scale...
- and we still have not checked in yet!
- not to mention 7 floors in height and almost 63 football fields in area!
- theres 11 check in rows in total
- here we are the twilight departure wrap gate, but...
- weg ot caught up with a brief of the scaled model of T3 floorplan showing the key terminal location and facilities
- off the the departures we go!
- boarding passes check!
- the place is rather well lit by the sun in the day
- got light?
- another overview of the 2nd level entrance area
- we are first to check in!
- this system automatically adjusts the ceiling reflectos so the optimum light levels can be directed in given cloud and sun posit
- here are some of the few "goldfish" centralised air-conditioning towers, minimising the need for inefficient air-con d
- thanks to a computerised automatic reflector skylight system
- the whole terminal is luminated purely by sunlight in the day
- the departure entrance is similar to that of T2, with a 2nd level fly-over entrance for direct vehicular alighting
- T3 sits at a whooping 380,000 sqm, dwarfing both T1 and T2
- the check in booth area on level 2nd (departures)
- Into a whole interesting world!
- Here we enter the twitlight zone from below...
- Welcome to Singapore's Airport Terminal 3!
- for ya seaside freaks, heres more p0rn for you!
- our remarkable cloth shield in full glory!
- ooo finger snappy!
- thats all folks!
- before officially ending the expedition with a debrief at the MRT station itself
- we saw the last stretch up towards marsling kranji area
- a photo for a photo!
- and man is everyone's burnt!
- Our last checkpoint for the expedition
- hop 2-3-4!
- ah familar sights at woodlands, make sure your tank is not empty!
- before reaching civilization again!
- we passed by some jungles
- but that didn't hinder us much
- fallen tree along our route
- not all part of the journey was smooth...
- lock and load!
- I wanna go home!
- resting at busstops
- there are alot of heavy industries lined along the roads
- not to mention finding a new direction
- & an ambulances you won't want to be in.
- ready with gettaway bikes just outside
- not to mention prisons
- next up - ultra long stretchs of road at a go
- farewell shot to Sembawang Park
- our next league of our journey!