- The Hulk coaster boomerang
- and monument thingie
- The marvel gallery
- got Octo?
- Captain America awesomeness!
- The largest on the block!
- Got comics?
- The post ride store
- Pyrotechnics, water and cool effect, the ride gets my awesome approval
- hey 3D spide!
- tank style!
- lets tour new york!
- This is an awesome ride
- down the marvel lane
- wahahahah!
- you can doom me anytime baby!
- Up the tower of DOOM!
- Load up for your DOOM!
- Up on dungeon One!
- especially for a simple dual free fall ride
- The ride theming's rather good
- entering our DOOM!
- an S&S Power free fall drop
- Doctor Doom freefall
- Look Rogue and Storm!
- Love the theming here
- Super Heros included!
- Super Hero Bikes!
- Marvell super hero island
- in motion!
- pure B&M coaster poetry...
- the green express!
- all board!
- The ride loading area
- wait's ain't bad, about 15 mins
- the general queue area
- fire away!
- zero wait time, GET ON IT PRONTO!
- awesome awesome
- operating in full force!
- the Hulk launched coaster
- welcome to marvel island
- oh boy oh boy!
- themed so some mix of various cultures in one
- shops after the entrance
- and so it begins!
- The ticketing areas
- At the Islands of adventure!
- The adventure is just starting!
- shops before the park