- The Rotunda
- nicely framed
- italian paintings from 13-15th centruy
- the east sculpture hall
- a place to chill and relax by the fountain
- decked with skylight and plants
- The garden courts in the museum
- 19th century french paintings
- old fireplaces
- coin collections
- tapestries and murals
- marble-quete!
- all displayed in large accessible galleries
- and paintings alike
- sculptures
- statues
- the museum spots a large collection of fine art
- as a museum of choice
- it's ranked 2nd nationally and 6th globally
- Opened in 1937
- the front atrium of the north entrance
- The National Gallery of art!
- that's all folks
- back in the visitor center for a chill and rest
- memorial Drive
- Located outside the cemetery
- Women in Military Service for America Memorial
- The Joint Resolution
- what a sight!
- hilly parts of the cemetery
- more tombs
- of the Space Shuttle Challenger and many others
- Cenotaph memorials honoring space crew
- Remembering the Maine: The memorial to the USS Maine
- moving on
- The Arlington Amphitheater north entrance
- the roads by the Amphitheater
- and grand
- it is huge!
- located behind the tomb of the unknown soldier
- Arlington National Cemetery Amphitheater
- and the Vietnam War
- the Korean War
- Honoring the entombed soldiers of World War I & II
- The Tomb of the Unknowns
- to the tomb of the unknown soldier
- the cemetery's well served by paved walkways
- tombs of all shape and sizes
- moving along
- looking over the Lee Mansion National Memorial