- got random chruch?
- I get to be a staff for the day!
- I see the light!
- The building's main lobby
- The same one which Kong climbed!
- The Empire State building!
- hail monkey tree!
- One of the largest Macys in town
- So many Yellow cabs!
- The US Post Office
- Is that the The Paramount Building?
- been sometime since I seen one of these
- hey Border's still surviving here?
- Engine 54 lost a whole unit to the sept 11 attacks
- on the road!
- kaching!
- Some ad spots cost $350k a month here
- and south end of the square
- Up the north end
- also called the Theatre District
- and stretching from West 42nd to West 47th
- located at Broadway and Seventh Avenue
- TimesSquare!
- there can be only one place in NY
- mm fancy billboards
- at least it keeps the places safe!
- The police presence in NY is overwhelming
- argh it bit me!
- The place is really messy!
- Lurking around the Manhattan Bridge
- Manhattan Bridge Arch
- In Chinatown!
- Air on the surface!
- It's quite a mess in some areas
- The stations are umm, purely functional!
- zippy train!
- Just like in the movies!
- Here we are underground
- On the airport skytrain to the city subway
- Howdy JFK!
- On our resident 747!
- From London To New york!
- The lincoln memorial all lit a night
- where is the Capitol again?
- the white house by the first gardens
- yay for over exposed flash image!
- ah a crest!
- I spy with my little eye..
- That's all for the newseum! see ya folks!
- Pittburgh style!