- Now where did that bugger go?
- Funky bridge thingie
- Still at Eston?
- Our apartment for the stay
- Fiery...
- This castle, the Oaiham castle traces back to 1207
- And derelict castles
- Sign marks the spot!
- Wall paintings
- The Vue cinema by scotts road and the stadium
- Over an even more funky stream
- Frosted grass is a delicacy at this time of the year
- Off the train I go! Bye Cardiff!
- I spy a castle invasion...
- I am at the top of the keep!
- The Victoria bus station (Where National express operates)
- Funky blade lights on the pavilion
- View of the St Fagans: National History Museum entrance
- First off with a train ride
- Central station in the day
- The people here call them swarrs or swans or something & are known to chase & devauor unattended children
- More height = better view!
- The street markets do yield some interesting finds...
- The arcades are all open too!
- Eston rail station, serving the northen train routes
- Tada!
- An the exploration continues!
- hide behind the doors! prepare for the attack!
- ohh ancient!
- It does look pretty in there
- Chinese food! just like that at home!
- This time by the Cardiff castle west gate park!
- view from somewhere not-at the top
- Before departure, it's back to St Mary's street for lunch!
- gotta love those thick double doors!
- many rooms in the fort
- But hey at least there some attractions, like an amusement park
- Remembered seeing a hotair balloon somewhere
- It's impossible to drown in this river, unless if you try real hard
- and shop!
- There is a smaller fair open by the beach
- Found the hotair ball-oon!
- These narrow steps were very steep & challenging to climb!
- Canines :P
- Many of the narrow stairs leading you further up the keep
- The path of no return. :P
- Outside the house in the evening
- The dolphin points to more
- I see the light!
- This is the path which never ends yay!