London street parade on the 1st of Jan. An annual street parade running through many prominent sites in the city of London itself on new year's day. These photos were captured on the passing parade at Piccadilly circus.

- Here we are at the London 2010 New year day parade
- Held at Piccadilly circus
- There are few iconic displays
- Many marching bands
- And cheer leading groups too!
- The parade saw itself many popular sights in London
- A marching band in green
- And another in red!
- Fancy marching and blowing?
- Interesting costumes on display
- Traditional horse drawn carriages
- And vintage autos too!
- All um loaded up?
- Colourful costumes are part of the dress code
- Bonus points for the multi colour flags!
- And the watching crowd keeps coming
- Woo japan!
- A far view of where the parade's coming from
- Any band with uber chrome instruments floats my boat!
- may the force be with you
- Tractors + floats = win!
- Guess they were sticking to the dress code.
- More parade music on march
- flatbed is the way to travel in groups
- don't recall having the punkin on a truck.
- More cheer leaders!
- Kiddy clowns!
- Many of the truck floats serve as good muscial platforms
- A high school contingent
- with a band of their own to boot too.
- That's all folks for what I have for parade!