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London eye, iconic bridges and attractions The various interesting sights and sounds the river Thames have to offer. This walk starts of from Westminster towards the tower bridge via the south banks, visiting attractions such as the london eye and iconic bridges.

- Meet my friend, his name is Ben, he is big.
- Big Ben is actually the bell which lives inside the clock tower
- Few of the lifely buskers on the streets
- A view from afar
- Parliament square westminster palace
- View of the buildings along Parliament square
- Some close ups
- The Abbey's western facade
- Westminster palace along Abingdon street
- At the palace
- It looks just like the castles in Cambridge :P
- Big Ben ain't that big!
- Time to continue the walk!
- At the Victoria embankment!
- The London eye & Aquarium in sight
- Crossing the Westminster bridge
- With the palace behind us
- Who can resist another photo?
- The bridge is decked!
- The County Hall & aquarium
- The view of the palace from afar.. again
- Approaching the other end of the embankment
- County hall resturant with stone lions
- Yup stoney lions
- At the Aquarium entrance
- A normal gloomy day in London. :3
- There were some exhibtions by the Millennium Pier
- The London eye sits on these massive supports spanning over the broadwalk
- It is driven by these heavy duty motors
- The wheel does look daunting from below
- Launching an observation, one capsule at a time!
- The the top of the apex!
- The eye is surprising crowded for a weekday
- A group photo!
- Street performers by the Jubilee gardens
- Strolling along the Millennium pier
- Isles of dogs, mmm
- Carnivals near the festival pier
- Street performer break dancing
- You can find this invisible guy everywhere.
- Oh no you don't! XD
- The Hungerford & Golden jubilee bridges
- Close up of the pedestrian bridge
- The south bank with the waterloo bridge in view
- specifically, the queens walk
- More bridge shots!
- View of the embankment from the south bank
- Wait didn't we passed this bridge already?
- Another activity area
- This time by the National theatre!